I want you to visualise your goal, how do you describe your goal? One day I want to ‘Have a nice healthy smile’ or do you say ‘this is day one of my new healthier smile’ The difference between one day and day one is discussed in by Dr.Ruth Gotian in Forebs where she comments on the idea that the verbal difference in day one or one day set’s high achievers and dreamers apart.
Remember every gold medal winner at the Olympics was only ever an olympian until the moment they crossed the finish line first. You to maybe a dreamer until you begin to achieve. I don’t believe that achievers don’t still have dreams, and that dreamers can’t achieve.
P.S. Sharing a smile is.. I don’t have to tell you, we all know that comfortable warm fuzzy feeling when we get a smile of a family member, friend or stranger; let’s fill the world with healthy smiles. Mention The 28 Day Smile, let's get good oral health on the agenda and let’s see what we can achieve together.
KirstyOral hygiene educator Do you have a dental related question that you would like me to answer.
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